Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Discipline is described such as a “series of management procedures for dealing with classroom disruptions of almost any shape and size” (Chapter 18 - Discipline Management as an Integrated System). It´s to train a person or a student based on the rules and behaviors the teacher establishes in class and the discipline technique is a reaction to problem situations. Techniques are simple notions about what to do that can be quickly and easily conveyed by a few words or a quick demonstration. Management of discipline consists of the collection of as many remedies for as many problem situations as possible.

Taking into account blind students, they are not different from their sighted peers; they require a structure that is well defined with consequences for misbehavior. This is crucial if we are helping a blind child within any environment, mainly in class. For instance, if the homework isn't on time, if the child doesn't rise his/her hand before responding, if the student interrupt a partner, or if the learner goes against any of the other rules the teacher feels are important –as teachers we have to react as it would for any child. If an inappropriate behavior enrages you and seems "socially inappropriate", it would be a tremendous social value to the blind child for the teacher to help to change that behavior in the kid, and, in fact, that's one of the main reasons blind children benefit so much from an education in the general education setting.

Discipline in classroom is a method that involves the entire educational community and seeks to transmit knowledge and values ​​with kindness and firmness, avoiding authoritarianism and overprotection. The limits are shown with love and understanding to promote values such as responsibility, respect and self-esteem in the students, building their future as valuable members of the community. The children with developmental disorders that are bred in this light reach greater independence, improved language skills, and a balanced emotional life.

One of the main tasks of teachers is to help students to become aware of the need for rules and sanctions to maintain a good environment in the school. a complex task requires the teacher training in management techniques and classroom management grounded in the understanding and knowledge of developmental course by which elapses child development. Among the various functions of the teacher is to govern and manage the classroom so as to allow adequate opportunities for learning and develop positive living skills within the school and in the social context. Also, create an appropriate climate in the classroom to facilitate work, communication, decrease, daily conflicts and enhance cooperative interactions and helping to develop autonomous responsibilities. Undoubtedly this is an exercise that requires a specific action plan and objective aimed to classroom discipline.

Discipline management, therefore, is more appropriately viewed not as the simple suppression of problems but rather as the differential reinforcement of appropriate behaviors, often in conjunction to avoid problems in class. Since most problem behaviors in the classroom are self-rewarding, some suppression is usually needed to eliminate the reinforcement generated by the problem itself, which then competes with the differential reinforcement of appropriate behavior.

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